Canadian Consumer Mailing List

Canadian Consumer Mailing Lists help businesses connect with Canadian Consumers anywhere in Canada.


What is a Canadian Consumer Mailing List?

It is a marketing list that includes the Names and Addresses of Consumers who live in Canada.

If you have a virtual business and can sell and ship your services or products to people who live in Canada, then this mailing list is a must have! This mailing list will help your business connect with Canadian Consumers, and the lucrative market across the border.

Canadian Consumer Mailing List
There are 37+ Million Canadians; we can help you start marketing to them in minutes!

Geographic & Demographic Criteria

You can choose to target a specific geographical area, such as:

  • States
  • Counties
  • Cities
  • Zip Codes
  • Radius around an address

You can also add other demographics, such as:

  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Homeowner v Renter
  • Home Value
  • Presence of Children
  • Length of Residence
  • Net Worth
  • Interests & Hobbies
  • + 100’s more

Mailing List Formats

We offer 3 easy-to-use List Formats.

Email Addresses

Please Contact Us for more information about purchasing a Canadian List with Emails.


Please Contact Us for pricing and a quote.

How do I get a Mailing List?

To order a list, please either Contact Us online, or give us a call : 1 866 306 8674

Other Helpful Resources



Canadian Consumer Mailing List FAQs

[Q]Will the Canadian Consumer Mailing List have postal codes as opposed to zip codes?[A]Yes it will have the street address with the appropriate postal code so it complies with the Canadian postal requirements.

[Q]Can I use the Canadian Consumer Mailing List to mail to consumers in Canada from the US?[A]Yes you can. The mailing list will comply with US and Canadian postal requirements.

[Q]Can I add my contact details to the Canadian Consumer Mailing List if my details are in the US?[A]Yes you can. Your name and address will have a zip code whereas the rest of the list will have postal codes.
